Documentary Film

Calle K 2020

Director: Titus Fossgard-Moser
Research Anthropologist: Caroline Moser
Length: 52 minutes

Che and Tanya’s socks 2017

Director: Rosalind Eyben
Research Advisor: Caroline Moser
Length: 15 minutes

In this Utube film, I talk to Rosalind about my first encounter with Latin America fifty years ago, when I accompanied my then husband Brian Moser while making a film for Granada TV about the death of Che Guevara in Bolivia. I reflect on the death of Che and recount my role in making the film, which included being at the trial of Regis Debray. I reflect on the influence that the life of the woman combatant, Tania, had on my subsequent commitment to, and work with, women ex-combatants in Colombia.

Encounter with Violence (1998)

Director: Titus Fossgard-Moser
Research Advisor: Caroline Moser
Length: 25 minutes

Independent production video linked to the research project on Participatory Urban Appraisal of Violence in Colombia, It shows the use of participatory methodology in the context of a study of urban violence. PhD students at UK and European Universities use the video as well as research fieldwork including Colombia, Kenya, India and Nicaragua use the video.

Encounter with violence – Spanish

People of the Barrio (1981)

Director: Brian Moser
Anthropological Advisor: Caroline Moser
Length: 52 minutes

Documentary  TV film for UK ATV linked to research on Intergenerational asset accumulation and poverty reduction in Guayaquil, Ecuador 1978-2004. The documentary follows the daily lives of families in extreme conditions in Latin American slum including political mobilization by the community, under its local leader, for basic human rights including access to pipe water for the community.

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